Never buy new exercise equipment. The secondary marketplace is littered with all types of barely used treadmills, bikes, elliptical and stuff marketed by celebrities. Stay away from aids like Ab Roller, Bun Machine, Thigh Max, and any similarly named appliance as they are marketing creations and have no real value to you unless you are selling them. However, if you really want to get in shape, try this first. Develop a exercise routine without spending any money and do it for at least a month. Go for a daily run or walk outside, lift gallons of water, or do some stretches or push-ups. If you like your progress AND you still need some def equipment like I do because I live in Illinois and the weather is getting nasty, BUY used. All those people from last years failed resolutions are probably selling some fine equipment at about half-price. Why I'm looking on craigslist and the classifieds right now and there is a nice selection. I post my deal when I get it. Stay fit and don't use your new used equipment as a clothes hanger!
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