Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chinese Population Issues, Part I

The population control policy, commonly known as the "one-child policy", has not addressed the root cause of the large population in China, but has exacerbated a subset of different problems, such as the sex-ratio imbalance, accelerated aging of the population, and heightened the tensions between the government, the Chinese citizens and the international community through the application of brutal and inhumane birth control procedures. In order to propose a logical and effective solution, one must initially properly define the problem. Is China's massive population an actual problem, or has it been examined through the largely discredited Malthusian position and influenced by the history of famine largely attributed to the failures of The Great Leap Forward? Is the raw number of people, or the inability or unwillingness of the government to effectively provide an economic system that can manage the population, the underlying source of the applied resolutions? Finally, what are some realistic workable strategies that could be examined to effectively administer solutions for the challenges of the Chinese population?

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